How Relevant?

“Relevant” … a cool new Christianese word that seemed to be popping up on the scene around 2005ish. There’s even a cool magazine by the name Relevant that aims at reaching this culture through methods familiar to them. But what is behind the word? Why is it so popular and at the same time so controversial? I believe the issue has to do with the very heart of the Christian mission is – spreading the Gospel and turning souls to God.

What’s The Problem?

The problem is when a church tries to be “too relevant” because they may, in their attempt to draw in unbelievers and keep them, water down the gospel so that it is more easily received and less offensive. But then you must ask yourself – if they hear a watered down gospel and choose to “get saved”, are they really saved? What’s the balance between not offending and presenting the saving truth of the Gospel?

No Pain, All Gain

I guess pastors think that if they preach the straight Bible that they will come off as too preachy and loose their attendance, or worse – their tithes (sarcasm)! It’s as if this visitor friendly message is the rebound effect of the “hell, fire and damnation” trend that filled many churches in previous generations. Now many churches preach “blessings, comfort, and prosperity” so much so that the issue of sin (which created the need for the Gospel in the first place) is not even mentioned! And if the preacher does not explain the existence of sin, and thus the need for a savior to forgive your sins than what are those converts getting saved for? An easier life? Prosperity? Social acceptance after hitting rock bottom? Is this true salvation if it’s purpose is not to be delivered from the very thing that keeps us from God?

Connect & Communicate

Basically the job of the Church is to connect and communicate truth. But what do we communicate, and how do we connect? We communicate the Gospel which contains the love of God, our need for salvation from sin, and our hope and redemption we have in Christ Jesus. How do we connect and communicate the message?
Any method that works unless that method diminishes the original contents of the message or leads to a different outcome.

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